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- Download GL Tools APK Gratis
Posted by : Adit
Selasa, 25 November 2014
Tutor install GLTools :
GLTools Download Disini
- Install apknya
- Buka GLtools - ceklis all - install - otomatis reboot.
- Buka GLTools, cari game yang mau di rubh grafik nya
Ceklis 'Fake Gpu Info'
- Pilih use a tempalte sesuai selera,Mau pakai adreno-tegra-powervr-mali dll, bisa juga mengcostume sendiri
- Ceklis 'Enable costum Setting
- Selesai, buka game nya
Tutor Uninstall GLTools :
- Pastikan d dlm sdcard ad file 'uninstall_gltools.zip' d luar folder.
- Buka GLTools Unceklis semua yg prnh kmu ceklis.
- Hapus GLTools.
- Masuk Recovery mode/Cwm
- Wipe cache - Yes
- Install zip from sd card
- Pilih uninstall_gltools.zip, tngg smpe slesai
- Reboot..
Note :
- Sebaiknya jangan pasang chainfire bersamaan coz fitur nya hampir sama takutnya malah bootloop .
- Dua fitur yang ada di Gltools Texture recompression dan texture decompresion, Fiturini hanya berjalan jika waktu penginstallan GL Tools dalam posisi inet on tap fitur ini waktu mo pasang plugin, kedua fitur ini untuk ngakalin gpu , lihat waktu kamu centang fake gpu bawah sendiri pasti ada Fake GL EXTENSION disinilah fitur compression dan decompresion berguna (settingan default berbeda relatif fake GPU tsb), kalo kamu instaal posisi inet off fitur ini gak akan jalan !!
gan gltools nya kok tiba" gak bisa d buka yah ?
BalasHapussaya udah uninstal dan instal kmbali tpi tetep gak bisa
saya pke zenfone 4
mohon bantuan nya
terima kasih
coba restart hp nya gan
BalasHapusGan ane mau tanya,,,? Suatu saat ane reset data pabrik hh ane, ehh ane lupa belom un-ceklis setingan di gltool dan ane lupa belom un-instal tuh apk, sekarang hh ane gak karuan,,, buat download di playstor gak bisa, buat buka file manager gak bisa, pokoknya semua apk di hh ane gak ada yang work, apakah itu efek dari kelalaian ane...? Mohon pencerahannya mastah...?
BalasHapusHp nya udah di root ?
BalasHapusKlo hp nya udh di root bisa gk gan?
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BalasHapusIntuit is perhaps all concerning User expertise which is why they need creating dedicated QuickBooks Customer Support Number Phone variety; Users will dial the fee number just in case they will have any facilitate regarding the code.
BalasHapusEnhanced QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number and Full-service payroll are encompassed in Online Payroll whereas Basic, Enhanced and Assisted Payroll come under Payroll for Desktop.
BalasHapusQuickBooks Error Code 6000-301 encounters while wanting to use a desktop company file. This might be either resolved by fixing manually with guidance received from QuickBooks experts or availing contact support from the specialist. If the error continues after performing the troubleshooting step, it is strongly recommended to consult the experts; these are generally been trained in listed here field of the susceptible to provide suitable solution and instructions.
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BalasHapusQuickBooks Support Phone Number – Inuit Inc has indeed developed a superb software product to carry out the financial needs associated with small and medium-sized businesses. The name associated with the software program is QuickBooks. QuickBooks, particularly, doesn't need any introduction for itself. But person who is unknown to this great accounting software, you want you to definitely test it out for.
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BalasHapusThe group working behind the Quickbooks Tech Support are recognized to be the ideal engineers within the entire industry and with their timely advice, you may be planning to find a reliable solution that is worthy enough your money can buy you spend on them.
BalasHapusThe attributes of QuickBooks Support Phone Number makes users amaze and but sometimes feel bad if the reference to the Quickbooks happens to be lost . It is frequent issues with the application are such as for instance: QB SYNC problem , errors within the transaction report , improper functioning of payroll system errors while doing the installation.
BalasHapusQuickBooks Tech Support has too much to offer to its customers to be able to manage every trouble that obstructs your projects. You will find loads many errors in QuickBooks such as difficulty in installing this software, problem in upgrading the software in the newer version so that you can avail the most up-to-date QuickBooks features, trouble in generating advanced reports, difficulty with opening company file in multi-user mode and so on and so forth. We make sure your calls do not get bounced. Should your calls are failing to interact with us at QuickBooks Payroll Support, then you can certainly also join our team by dropping a message without feeling shy. Our customer care support will continue to be available even at the wee hours.
BalasHapusGet prominent possibilities for QuickBooks in your area right away! Without any doubts, QuickBooks Tech Support Number has revolutionized the process of doing accounting that's the core strength for small in addition to large-sized businesses. QuickBooks Support telephone number is assisted by our customer care associates who answer your call instantly and resolve all of your issues at that moment. It is a backing portal that authenticates the users of QuickBooks to perform its services in a user-friendly manner.
BalasHapusOur Professionals have designed services in a competent means in order that they will offer the mandatory methods to the shoppers. we now have a tendency to at QuickBooks client Service are accessible 24*7 you just need certainly to call our 247 Tech Support Number which can be found available on the market on our website. Unneeded to state, QuickBooks has given its utmost support to entrepreneurs in decreasing the price otherwise we’ve seen earlier, however, an accountant wont to help keep completely different accounting record files. Utilising the assistance of QuickBooks, users will maintain records like examining, recording and reviewing the complicated accounting procedures.
BalasHapusSo in that case, you just need the most advanced & highly certified experts, and we also have given you QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number excellent professional or experts team and additionally they offer you an instant and extremely easy solution of your all issues or errors.
BalasHapusWhenever you reach an individual service rep, they've been generally kind and helpful, but there can be an inconsistent degree of QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Number knowledge from one individual to another.
BalasHapusEvery business wishes to have revenues all the time. But, not every one of you'll be capable. Were you aware why? QuickBooks Support Phone Number really is due to lack of support service.
BalasHapusAll of the flourishing Businesses square measure currently on QuickBooks because of the apprehend QuickBooks Customer Service is that the best once it involves accounting desires and management desires.
BalasHapusThis article features error number Code 9999, commonly known as Quickbooks Error 9999 described as Error 9999: QuickBooks has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you would like to learn How To Troubleshoot Quickbooks Error 9999, you can continue reading this blog.